Today Amber and I, as well as most of the Birch clan, got to go and visit Ava.. She was doing pretty well today, a lot of thick secretions that kept the nurses working hard to keep her replogle from clogging up. Amber got to hold Ava again and she seemed to be doing better than she had the past week. The doctors are contemplating doing the esophageal dilation sooner than later because they think that her esophagus has narrowed to much and that is why she can't swallow the secretions. We wish she could be better instantly but this process seems like it will take a while. We just have to go one day at a time and pray for speedy recoveries and praise the nurses for being on the ball and always on top of Ava's care. I am so happy that one of us (Amber) can be there in Salt Lake City the whole time. The boys and Ivy are having a good time with their mommy and I miss them so much during the week. Makes the weekends all the more special... I find myself appreciating my family more and more every week we are separated. Keep praying for us, I know God is listening.
Happy Mother's Day Amber, I love you.
Amber and Ava 5/12/2013 |
Amber and Ava 5/11/2013 |
Amber and Ava 5/11/13 |
Ava 5/11/2013 |
Ava 5/12/2013 |
I love all the pictures. Thank you for sharing and keeping us up to date. I have shared with my co-workers at Melaleuca and they are praying for you too. Friends in my exercise class are praying for Ava too.