sweet day for Ava. After talking with therapy yesterday, the doctors approved tastes of breastmilk. So physical/speech therapy showed me how to dip the tip of Ava's pacifier in breastmilk and let her suck on it while she was being fed through the NG tube. We saw her swallow about 3 tImes in 45 minutes but its unknown whether she is able to swallow anything past the surgical site with the NG tube taking up the whole space. In not so friendly news...we were moved from bed 19..which is reportedly the best bed in the unit because of the window with the amazing view...to bed 24 which has a window overlooking a roof and facing the sides of 2 other buildings-bleh. The new room has 6 babies instead of 4 so it is much noisier too. I'm not thrilled with it, but thankful that the nurse was at least able to get us a "window seat" with the move. The next dialation, i was told is Thursday-however, today they said that the chart says "Thursday OR Friday" I just love such ambiguous planning (note sarcasm). Carrie Zummwalt just left. The boys had an absolute blast with her family-though we definitely put them through the wringer. Thanks guys! oh, brother- its 3am and Ivy has sensed that I left the bed and is waking again. I just medicated Sam for growing pains and "fixed" his bed that had him in a fit of tears. gotta go.
so adorable!!!