Still no word on a scheduled heart surgery. All I was told is that they decided to schedule her and that she was ready for surgery. I was told that it would likely be scheduled sometime in the next 2 weeks. I should know by the end of the week (key word "should" but I've learned that nothing goes as it "should" in the NICU.) I learned that her feed increases were halted because she was putting out too much stool, and they were thinking that was a symptom of withdrawal from the pain meds. Her stool output was better today so they may increase feeds tomorrow. They told me that they weren't too eager to wean the morphine and ativan if she were headed right back to surgery. So, who knows what will happen with that. Both of our primary day nurses are back from vacation this week, so that's a relief.
ahhh man that is such a cute smile!!!!!! what a sweet girl!!