Saturday, November 30, 2013
Memorial Service Info
Sunday, November 24, 2013
November 24th: In the arms of Jesus
Steven Curtis Chapman - Feet of Jesus Lyrics
Artist: Steven Curtis Chapman
Album: The Glorious Unfolding
At the feet of Jesus I will lay my burdens down
I will lay my heavy burdens down
In the stillness I can hear my Savior calling out
Come to me and lay your burdens down
So I will lay down my struggles
I will lay down my shame
All the fear I drag around through this life
like a ball and chain
(All my questions and confusion)
I will sing Hallelujah to the One who sets me free
And you will find me at the feet of Jesus
In the arms of Jesus I will find my peace and rest
I hear him calling come to me and rest
Carried by my shepherd cradled tightly to His chest
There and there alone my soul finds rest
So I will rest in the shelter of my Savior’s embrace
Hidden safely in the refuge of His mercy and His Grace
And I Will Sing Hallelujah to the One who sets me free
And you will find me in the arms of Jesus
At the feet of my Savior
At the feet of my King
I will bow down and worship
I will lift my voice and sing
Hallelujah Hallelujah to the One who sets me free
You will find me at the feet of Jesus
November 23rd: Extubation
Friday, November 22, 2013
November 22nd. Poor Prognosis
Thursday, November 21, 2013
November 21st: Underwear thief, are you kidding me!
November 20th: mini backslide
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
November 19: notes
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
November 18: lungs improving. i'm a ball of negativity today..its late as usual.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
November 17: conventional ventilator
Saturday, November 16, 2013
November 16: choreiform movements
November 15: just reflection
Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?
.....28-33...... 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
November 14: please clot baby girl
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
November 13: Diagnostics

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
11-12-13: Alvin and the chug chugs
If this ride is a roller coaster, then today would be one of the slumps. Her white blood cell count was a little higher-an indication of infection. We had a meeting with an infectious control doctor to brainstorm how this all started, but I imagine there wasn't much insight since we were only home for 2 weeks and Ava hadn't gone anywhere and the people in our home were all vaccinated. Around noon today they switched out the dialysis machine, so she was off for about an hour and a half. This isn't a big deal-it's not like it's providing continuous life support like the ECMO machine or the ventilator. Around the same time respiratory therapy came and retaped her intubation tube in her throat. After that her oxygen saturations dropped. After about 30 minutes of this they got a chest x-Ray to make sure the ET tube was directing oxygen to both lungs (in the mainstem) instead of slipping into just the right lung (technically the bronchi). It was slightly to the right so RT pulled it back about a cm which helped a little. My heart was beating super fast around 5pm because the O2 was still not where it was earlier and the nurse was having to increase the epinephrine and vasopressin heart drugs repeatedly to keep her blood pressure up. Right now her vital signs are holding up a little better and the nurse is able to wean the heart meds again.
The vecuronium was turned off today around 11am. This is the paralytic. They said it would take at least 6 hours for the body to clear it enough for Ava to be able to move. They took away the EEG machine that was monitoring her brainwaves for seizures, so they wanted to make sure her body wasn't paralyzed if she had another seizure so that the nurses could see it. The ventilator she is on provides very unnatural breathing, though, so she may need to be paralyzed again if she wakes up enough to fight the ventilator.
Monday, November 11, 2013
November 11:
Sunday, November 10, 2013
November 10: Don't rock the boat
I know all my friends and family were right there with me when we thought she had died. Let me tell you exactly what happened. All vitals were crashing during the surgery and the doctor just kept shaking her head at me. She kept asking me if I wanted them to do chest compressions and then reminding me that the chest compressions wouldn't change the outcome. I never answered her. She told me that she was sorry and that they did the best they could. She said we'd just let the surgeons finish removing the tubes and then I could hold her. I wanted to let you all know what had happened on the blog right away so I could focus on holding Ava at that point...which was why my post was about 2 minutes presumptive. I cried for about 2 minutes then returned to pacing the room. I reminded myself that I have no right to predict what God can and cannot do or, rather, would and would not do and that there was no point is getting upset over it until God's will was absolutely apparent. So I still don't know what God's will is, but I do know that all the doctors coming on shift today were 100% shocked that we are still here.
I'll keep updating. I hope that I have the opportunity to only report positive changes.
I love you all so much. You are so encouraging to me. I was tear-y eyed many more times yesterday over the love I felt from our friends than for the plight we were/are in.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
November 9: must get off ecmo
3:20pm. First trial off ecmo failed, pretty quickly. We are going to let her recover for about an hour and try again. Her echocardiogram today was decent and her lung x-Ray was ok. She's kind of just- right there on the edge. They think she may be capable or we wouldn't be trying. She is still completely sedate and paralyzed. Her lactate lab value was down again today which is promising in terms of ongoing organ damage.
5:40 pm we want to bump up her hematocrit to help increase her oxygen carrying capacity and to help support her blood pressure. It took a long time for the blood to get to our room because there were 5 or 6 traumas that came in. So now we are running blood, which will take about 30 minutes, then we will have another trial.
7:00pm on trial again. We have some scary stuff that God is going to have to take care of. She is tolerating this wean better than earlier today. Doctor wants me to give a "do not resuscitate" order if she has another cardiac arrest during this process. I did not give an answer. I believe in miracles..I've already seen them, but I also believe that God is in control and I don't know what He has planned. We are commanded to pray, so we'll just continue to do so.
7:02pm we are calling surgery to be on standby for take the ecmo tubes off of her.
I'm nervous..kind of regretting that I ate dinner.
7:22pm I just signed the consent for decannulation. She is barely being supported by the ecmo machine now. Surgery will be in about 45 minutes. They will remove the cannulas in the neck and tie off that vein and artery. It's the carotid. Then they will remove the cannula in the left femoral vein in the leg and replace it with a catheter for dialysis.
7:46pm we are about 10-15minutes from decannulation. Surgery team is arriving. Blood pressure and oxygen are holding. They tell me they are going to also try and place a short central line where the right cannula are.
8:27pm Dr Rawlins and Dr. Lee, the fellow, are just starting to take out the neck cannula. These are two tubes/cannula, each about the width of my little finger. The heparin has been slowed to help slow bleeding and after the process is complete heparin will be stopped completely and she'll start to get blood products that will help her clot.
8:33pm. We are officially off ecmo.
8:40pm. My baby is going to Jesus. Cry with me!
8:49. She is still hanging on with epinephrine and blood products.
9:05pm. Ava is still alive. Praise God. Still working on her.
9:30pm Surgery has cleared out of the room. They said that from a technical standpoint, they accomplished everything they set out to do. For the moment her vital signs are holding. Her labs are funky but Nephrology is coming to hook up the dialysis which will help correct her la
b. The doctor is worried about how the current oscillator is ventilating her lungs so we have a different ventilator on
standby. She doesn't want to disrupt Ava again because she is obviously very touchy. I'm sure I just witnessed a miracle. Oh my.
10:40pm Ava's neurology exam after this near death was ok, not perfect. There may be some damage but her brain is definitely taking up the oxygen so we just go forward. Her liver is failing as indicated by her extremely high ammonia levels, but that can be corrected with dialysis. Getting on to dialysis is our next hurdle. Since her kidneys and liver aren't working she needs this to take out the toxins from her body. We are just now waiting for the dialysis machine to warm up. Ava doesn't like fluid shifts so we hope she tolerates this perfectly.
11:34 pm vitals are not as perfect right now, but Are ok. We are giving her fluid and blood to keep the blood pressure up. Her oxygen is 86. She was just hooked up to the dialysis machine. We are going to keep her fluid levels "even" meaning, at this point we are not going to pull off any fluid. Her lungs might be a bit "wet" but we'll have to deal with that later.
11:49pm vital signs are better now that she was given some blood and albumin. Now we just hang out and make little corrections based on labs throughout the night. This is assuming that her heart and lungs keep up the good work. I don't even know what to do tonight. The hospital does not have a place for Ivy to stay with us and I pretty much need to stay with her. Not sure what I'll do...but I'm glad that's my biggest problem right now.