Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21st: Underwear thief, are you kidding me!

How LOW, SERIOUSLY, how low can you go? Some girl stole my nursing bra (one of 2) and a camisole from the laundry room in the Ronald McDonald room at the hospital. Pretty tough to wash the one you're wearing when someone steals your other one. I found two of my shirts in someone else's smoky stinky laundry. I'm assuming it was the same girl who probably took my bra and cami to the showers while waiting for a washer to free up. I recovered the shirts and had to put them in a separate bag. So much for washing them. I'm thankful she didn't have a baby girl or else Ivy would be short items too. I think I know who it is, because I've never seen anyone else do laundry with the door closed. I haven't seen her recently though. low-low-low.  Well CRAP, I just thought of something and checked the laundry bag. She stole all the pairs of socks I washed to. Grrrrrr. and it just dawned on me.....the couple pairs of underwear aren't in my clean stuff either! For heaven's sake!!  The whole principal  of it just ticks me off. Now I have to waste my time and money to replace the underclothes.  Gosh I'm glad I didn't wash any of my pants in that load.

Ava was holding steady today. Some of the lab results for liver tests came back, all negative. Some are still pending. She did well for her spontaneous breathing trial again for an hour. The attending only wants to do it once a day instead of once a shift. Ava is pretty neon yellow with bilirubin. Her blood pressure got a little low last night and she got two bolus infusions of saline and wound up getting some  plasma as well. She looks like she may be withdrawing a bit from the fentanyl weans. The day nurse gave her 4 doses for breakthrough. Her neck wound doesn't look good. It doesn't look infected, just not pretty. I said "geez it looks like someone sliced her throat with a knife" and the nurse said, "well, yeah, they kind of did" Its about 4 inches long and about a centimeter wide. They said they did not want to approximate the edges in case there was any infection because they did not want to trap any infection in the wound. She did not make urine today. 

it's 1am..Ivy has been awake for the last hour playing. Her sleep schedule is butchered. 


  1. I'm sorry someone took your stuff! I would ask her if she happened to see your missing things! Still praying for your sweet Ava! Hang in there.

  2. On behalf of the volunteer staff at Ronald McDonald family room I am sorry this has happened to you. There should be no reason for this to have happened to such a lovely person. I will be more vigilant from now on of theft. This is truly a ridiculous act from a cowardly person. Again I apologize. I am hoping for the best for you and your family through these trying times.
