Thursday, June 13, 2013

thursday 6/13/13 set back

Ava's final dialation in the series of 4 was this morning around 11. It did not go great. After the stretching procedure they do an esophagram (put a dye down her throat to make sure fluid only goes to the stomach), but they found that some leaked out..which means the procedure caused a small tear in the esophagus. This is a major risk for infection. So, a chest tube was placed for drainage, aggressive antibiotics were started, a PICC line was placed, and she will be NPO (nothing by mouth or feeding tube) for the next week minimum. So she will get IV nutrition and her medications will be given through Iv instead of through the feeding tube. The feeding tube was placed in the OR again, but it wlll not be used. The esophagram willl be repeated in a week to see if the small tear healed on its own. I'm not thrilled. 

Visited Ava tonight. I am not allowed to hold her because shifting the chest tube is really painful. She is in a lot of pain and starving so they are alternating doses of morphine and tylenol. The nurse says the hunger pains will subside after a few days as she gets used to the IV nutrition. She was poked soo many times today that she shutters when you first touch her.


  1. Oh, so sorry to hear that. I pray that it will heal quickly. Your family is still in our prayer, and, for what it is worth, I think you are doing a great job, and have a great attitude.

  2. I am praying I have two special needs kids and I feel your pain.. hold on to Jesus He is your strength..

  3. Oh Amber, I am so sorry. Praying for you guys! She is a tough cookie, that's for sure! <3
