Saturday, July 27, 2013

friday 7/26/2013

Not much new on the Ava front today. She is still on the CPAP, and they are slowly weaning the settings. For instance, she is completely off the nitric oxide now. I am hoping that after the chest x-ray in the morning, that they will see improvement and be able to switch her to the high flow nasal cannula again. The CPAP fills her belly with so much air, that they have to suck out every few hours. She just doesn't like it much so she is more agitated and needs more versed and morphine so she can rest. They switched the versed back to "scheduled" because they were having to give too many "as needed" doses anyway. They started feeds a day or so ago and had to stop after one feed of 10mls because her bowels haven't woken up yet. She just seems agitated as the morphine is weaned. She did the same thing with the last big infection. She'll be happier when she can get off of it completely and get some food in her belly. 

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