Tuesday, October 1, 2013

monday 9/30/2013

I got a call from NICU saying that Ava had a heart arrhythmia. I went to the hospital and got there at the same time as the cardiologist. They were doing a 12 lead EKG and drew some blood and started an IV in her head. Ava was a happy camper despite being poked at. She was happy to have so many people to look at. All of her labs were beautiful. Doctor decided the rhythm was nothing to worry about and is something she can and will live with.

I don't think I ever explained the two tubes in the nose. One is the NJ where most of her food is going into the small intestine. The other is the NG Which is getting a 1ml increase in food every 12 hours to help expand the stomach back to where it was before heart surgery. This increaase is taking forever! She is on continuous feeds. After all the food is switched over to th NG, the NJ will be removed and we will then attempt to condense feeds so they are not around the clock.   She pulled out both of these tubes the night of these pictures and had to have the NJ placed in radiology with contrast dye. 

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