Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ava today...some more not so great news 5/7/2013

Yesterday Ava had another Code Blue, it took them 4 minutes to resuscitate her with compressions and the whole shebang( this was posted on the 5/6/13 post, but here is some more information). They ended up putting a replogle tube back in her throat to get rid of the fluids that are causing her to stop breathing. The doctors had talked and decided that today they would do a esophageal dilation on her at 9am... That didn't happen. She started to go hypothermic early this morning... her body temp crashed three times and they had to get her on a manual heater to keep her body warmed up. They are doing some blood chemistry on her to see what's going on, but they are assuming that she has some kind of infection. They cancelled the dilation procedure and are going to put her on antibiotics for 1-2 weeks. She had a chest X-ray and they were going to start a Picc line on her, but her veins are so shot they are going to have to place the Picc with the aid of an ultrasound tomorrow. The doctors may also put her nasogastric feeding tube back in at the same time. Seems like we are back at the start and a little worse for the wear. The one sliver of good news out of all of this is that even though Ava was down for 4 minutes, her levels of Oxygen in her blood didn't get low enough to cause any brain damage. I am praying that no other Codes occur. Please keep up the prayers, every bit of prayer blesses our family.

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